Midnight Roses


KennyKreations partnered with Nine Patch Media to digitize their stunning quilt, Midnight Roses – a beautiful tapestry of color and design.

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KennyKreations partnered with Nine Patch Media to digitize their stunning quilt, Midnight Roses – a beautiful tapestry of color and design.The Midnight Roses Collection contains all embroidery designs for the Midnight Roses Quilt.

  • The blocks were designed by Dorothy Richey, Simonetta Marini, Sharon Pederson and Elizabeth Phillips, Jo Moury, Barb Vlack, Barbara Rodebush, and Jacquelyn Jacobi.
  • The embroidery will finish at approx. 11″ square.
  • Blocks are trimmed to 12.5″ before sewing in the quilt.
  • Finished size of the quilt is 56″ x 56″
  • The designs are appliqued with additional machine embroidery.
  • You will use printed templates and alignment stitches to help line up the designs correctly when multi-hooping.
  • These blocks are designed for the AccuQuilt GO!® Cutter and Studioâ„¢ Cutter dies.
  • You will be able to make these blocks using our normal KennyKreations applique method, if you do not have the GO!® or Studioâ„¢ cutter.
  • Detailed, step-by-step Instructions are provided to enable you to cut your applique shapes and embroider your blocks.
  • There is also a 13 page document listing Fabric Requirements and instructions for making the quilt in the conventional manner, as well as a Reversible Quilt Technique, courtesy of Sharon Pederson.
  • A free tutorial on our Rose of Sharon applique methods is included.
  • You can embroider the quilt blocks in the 5×7″ hoop.
  • Designs are also combined for the large hoops, including the Janome11000 Macro Hoop, Janome MC12000 GR Hoop, PfaffCV and Husqvarna Diamond (VP3), Bernina830 (EXP) and Brother Quattro, Innovis and PR Series, Babylock Ellisimo, Elna and Singer.
  • Single hoop designs now also available; PES
  • Size: 56″ x 56″
  • Rose of Sharon Dies: GO!® dies #55045 and #55343 Studioâ„¢ dies #50342

Additional information
